She started saying "HI DADA" Shortly before these photos. Heather came in one morning with her, as I was waking up and was telling Jennavieve, "say hi da da", and sure enough to her own surprise she started making the sound.
Once she realized she had this super power she couldn't get enough and started saying, "hi da dada da da da dadaaaaa. Hi DADADADA! HIII DADADAD DADADADAA DADA ADAADADA!" You get the idea :)
She now definitly knjows what she is saying and says it when I come in the room a lot of times. And now she's started to say Mama, but she's still working on it. Needless to say, I think DaDa is simply an easier sound to make :)
She's doing great, about 8 teeth in now. Had a little bit of a cold last week, hit 104.3 for a moment which was scary, but is fine now and usually pretty happy!
Hope you enjoy the photos!
OH! PS, the photos that were taken of all 3 of us were taken by my sister Melissa. I had everything set up and she was nice enough to get a few of us together. And then Heather and Melissa took some of me and Jennavieve. Madalynn is not in them since she was at school at the time of the session, but that's what I will be posting next is a few of the 2 girls together!
She is so adorable!! The pictures turned out great!!
Tim, she is adorable!
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